Leica DBP 24X36mm c/w ALSO AG Zurich Monoblitz II

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I have recently purchased the following:

Leica DBP Ernst Leitz GMBH Wetzlar Germany 24X36mm s/n 1 164 877

Summaon 1:2.8/35 Leitz Wetzlar s/n 2102618

The camera is mounted to

ALSO AG Zurich Monoblitz II s/n 389

It comes with the original carrying case.

My question is what would this have been used for and what would be the value?

Thanking you in advance

Russell Joyce

-- Russell Joyce (russell_joyce@mailcity.com), May 05, 2002


Russell. It sounds like a Leica Post Camera made to take close-up photographs of meters or the like. It's probably a rangefinderless model like an MD or MDa. These are usually found with a 35/2.8 Summaron lens like yours, but sometimes with other lenses. The flash also goes with the camera provided for postal use. The value will depend somewhat on the cosmetic, functional, and optical condition but might be on the order of $ 1500. It's hard to say exactly, it's an unusual but not super rare item.

-- Eliot (erosen@lij.edu), May 05, 2002.

Russell, Your camera is a Postcamera produced in 1967, according to the number. The lens has been made in 1965. The camera is a version of the MD. I have no idea of the value. See also the article of Tom Abrahamsson in the latest Viewfinder (vol.35, 2002, number 1, p.46- 48).

-- Lex Bosman (lexb@wanadoo.nl), May 05, 2002.

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