9th day of incubation, no spot in egg?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My son won a pair of Black Orpington Bantams in a raffle two weeks ago at a goat show. The hen immediately started laying. We purchased an incubator and started the first egg on 4/29. Today I tried candling it and I see no spot. Could this egg not be viable? Or should I just give it more time. Also, I added 4 more yesterday afternoon. She laid again today, should I crack this egg and make sure it has a yolk and the white spot? This morning when I went to turn them, the temp. had dropped from 100 degrees(we've kept it steading at 100 up until this morning, I'm assuming because I added eggs) to 89 degrees. I know it wasn't that low last night. Could this have damaged the eggs? Its temp is back up to 100/99 degrees. My husband said I shouldn't try raising the temp. Any help would be greatly appreciated! We are hoping to get this incubating thing down before we attempt to incubate some of my sons show Buff Laced Polish.

-- Cheri Harris (cbooboosmommie@aol.com), May 08, 2002


Here is the addy to Quackers Home page with photos of candled eggs, day one through hatching. Hope it helps. Just follow the links to hatching and incubating. Turn on your speakers and enjoy the music while you are there! LOL http://www.poultryconnection.com/quackers/ Good luck, hope all is well, LQ

-- Little Quacker in OR (carouselxing@juno.com), May 08, 2002.

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