I am looking for a violen teacher.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : carnatic.com : One Thread

I want to learn violin. I have been in touch/learnt hindustani vocal music. I stay in Pune.

-- Roli Varma (roli7578@rediffmail.com), May 10, 2002


Dear Sir/Madam, Since you have the knowledge of the notes (the position of the notes), it would be easy for you to learn the art of violin through ONLINE. If you are interested in learning through online, you can cintact me ar Raghuwind@hotmail.com S.Raghu

-- S.Raghu (Raghuwind@hotmail.com), May 14, 2002.

So, you want to learn violin now.

-- RG (rohit_godbole@rediffmail.com), July 01, 2002.

i want to learn violen. please, send me periodic e_mails to help me achieve this aim. thanks so much for your concern.

-- mireille hany halim (mireille_hany@hotmail.com), September 16, 2002.

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