Well at least Whitley Bay won!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Howay the Bay!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2002


Great News. It must have been in extra time or penalties as I heard it was 0-0 at full time. HAWAY THE BAY. Miles and Miles of Golden Saaaaaaaaaaand, Whitley Bay, Northumberlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2002

1-0 after extra time, well done the Bay!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2002

My God it was tense!

Bay were the better team throughout the whole of the 120 minutes. Missed a penalty in normal time. Bay's keeper never made a save, their keeper was brilliant.


-- Anonymous, May 11, 2002

Well done the Bay. I was listening to a description of the "amazing scenes" at Villa Park as the Bay players jumped around in the middle of the pitch after the whistle.

It struck me that it would have been a good deal more amazing if the players hadn't been jumping round on the pitch.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2002

If any of you saw the bit on Tyne Tees tonight about the game you might have seen a shot of a little lad in a Port Vale shirt waving a huge blue and white flag. Guess who he was with!!

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2002

Maybe they should erect a bouncy castle there for next season, eh Jonno ;-)

-- Anonymous, May 12, 2002

We heard the result just after our second post match pint in Southampton - gave us the perfect excuse to drink ourselves senseless.

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2002

Good idea Gibbo - and would justify the "amazing scenes" comment!

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2002

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