What countries did Alexander the great rule?

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What countries did Alexander the great rule?

-- Anonymous, May 13, 2002


sounds like your kinda guy then john

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2004

Alexander the Great is gay. www.gayheroes.com

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2004

You should go to

http://web.ask.com/redir?bpg=http%3a%2f%2fweb.ask.com%2fweb%3fq% 3dalexander's%2btimeline%26o%3d0%26page% 3d1&q=alexander's+timeline&u=http%3a%2f%2ftm.wc.ask.com%2fr%3ft%3dan% 26s%3da%26uid%3d0DC8620DEA7C7F804%26sid%3d15A5D2D2CF63B5904%26qid% 3d0551218666021D4F87D25A7983D46D19%26io%3d0%26sv%3dza5cb0db3%26o%3d0% 26ask%3dalexander's%2btimeline%26uip%3ddaed5373%26en%3dte%26eo%3d- 100%26pt%3dMacedonia%2bFAQ%253a%2bAlexander%2bthe%2bGreat%2bTimeline% 26ac%3d24%26qs%3d1%26pg%3d1%26ep%3d1%26te_par%3d102%26te_id%3d%26u% 3dhttp%3a%2f%2ffaq.macedonia.org%2fhistory% 2falex.timeline.html&s=a&bu=http%3a%2f%2ffaq.macedonia.org%2fhistory% 2falex.timeline.html&qte=0&o=0

it tells you the timeline of Alexander the Great!!!

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2004

You should visist the following website: http://1stmuse.com/frames/index.html

-- Anonymous, March 15, 2004

Ewwwwwwwww. U know, kids read this kinda stuff (Im in 6th grade!)..... WEIRDO!

-- Anonymous, February 14, 2004

He first went for the Persian Empire, then he went to Egypt and became Pharaoh, he then conquered India.

-- Anonymous, January 14, 2004


-- Anonymous, December 30, 2003

fuck he had a fat dick

-- Anonymous, October 08, 2003

You ask a question that's a lot more complicated than you know.

First, when Alexander was alive all the countries that existed were different than today (except possibly Egypt). For example, what we call Greece was at that time composed of about 30 or so little countries we now called city-states, such as Thebes, Corinth, Sparta, Athens, Megara and a whole lot of smaller ones. In modern Turkey there were some more city-states, such as Lydia, Ephesus, and so on. We may never know the names of ALL the little two-bit kingdoms he conquered on the way to modern Pakistan.

Next, Alexander "ruled" different places differently. In Macedonia, he was the king. In Athens, he had no "official" title, but Athens did whatever he asked, because they had been forced to sign a treaty that effectively put them under Alexander's command. In Persia, he ruled as king, but through satraps, who ruled smaller pieces of Persia. In modern Afghanistan, he was lucky to be able to collect some taxes and to instill enough fear that he could avoid being attacked. "Rule" would be a bit of a stretch for that area.

If you have a textbook or buy a history of Alexander, it should have a map showing the extent of his rule. It pretty much covered all of modern Greece, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt -- and probably some others I am forgetting because I am not looking at a map.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2002

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