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Feckin' Germans ruined a damn fine song. I don't think I'll watch it :-(

BTW....the PL will be unbearable next season. Arsenal Champions and TWO clubs with the world's greatest support.....NUFC and MCFC :)

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2002


Ta LR!

So what's the scoop down your way? You seem to be first with the news (Stam etc). Who do you think might be on their way out? Who may join?

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2002

Well Nick..we know we've lost Ronny J and Dennis I and I wouldn't be surprised if we lose Phil Neville, Quinten Fortune and maybe even Barthez. Summat tells me Blanc will stay. Yorke's out and maybe Giggs'll go. We may try for the Irish lad from Boro...whassisname..Duff?? We'll see after the World Cup.

I'm sure we'll see Forlan and Veron in a different light next season.'s halfway through proceedings at Glasgow so I'm just gonna have a quick peek :)

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2002

Sell Giggs? Never. The guy hasn't got the imagination to think of playing for another team or in a different country. If I were him, I'd want to experience as much as I could in my career, not just play for MANU.

-- Anonymous, May 15, 2002

I meant Blackburn.

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2002

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