Two truths, one lie : LUSENET : MATH Plus One : One Thread

Shamelessly copied from 3WA, because plagiarism is my middle name...and because it's a Friday.

Tell us two truths and a lie about yourself.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002


I'll start...

One of these is not true.

I'm distantly related to Ringo Starr

I've been arrested for breaking into a school gym to play some basketball.

My grandparents were in a movie with Michael Fox.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

One of these is not true:

I have appeared twice on ESPN.

I once met Harper Lee.

I once coordianted a float in a Gay Pride Parade.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

My brother once presented a legal case to the Supreme Court (he's a lawyer).

I won $150,000 in my state lottery several years ago.

My full college scholarship was taken away after my freshman year because of too low of grades.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I broke my arm by falling out of a bunk bed, naked.

When I met Laurence Fishburn I said, "Hey! It's Cowboy Curtis!"

I'm not a real blonde.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I guess it's not fair if I start the guessing on the MATHletes, so I'll start with Dawn.

I say that you never won the lotto, and if you did, Hey Dawn... how you doin'?

And mayn, I used up my good ones on 3wa!

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I'm currently not wearing my own clothes.

I once spent the night in a mental hospital.

I was on the phone with the head of Oxfam last night.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

And I'm terrible at these, but I'm guessing Mike is not related to Ringo Starr.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Allison, I'm guessing you've been on ESPN more than twice.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I was wait-listed for undergraduate admission at Dartmouth

I swam three miles without stopping

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Oops! Here's the complete list

I was wait-listed for undergraduate admission at Dartmouth

I swam three miles without stopping

I wanted to be a priest when I was in high school

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

My guesses: Chris/Dartmouth (I think you would have been accepted if you had applied), Al, ESPN, either more or less than twice, WG - clothes, T - Fishburn, Dawn, the Lotto, and Mike, the arrest. Am I right?

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Kristin - you're right. Although I have been introduced to Larry, I was able to restrain myself from asking him about the early days of his career.

I think that Chris did not want to be a priest in hs, I think that WG has never spent the night in a mental hospital, I don't think that Mike was ever actually arrested, and I'll guess that Dawn didn't win $150,000.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

T's right.

But see, if our Mike would be arrested for anything, it would be that.

MOC swimming three miles, now . . .

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

(And for what it's worth? Head of Oxfam? Nice guy.)

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Kristen is right. T is more right, since we were, in fact, detained by the overzealous yet bored police officers. But we got off with a "We'll be contacting your parents" ... since we were in junior high school at the time.

And we didn't actually break in, per se. But that's another story...

Ringo Starr's second wife is a very, very distant relation, according to a geneology done by another very distant, distant relation. And my grandparents are extras in Prime Risk, a very forgettable 80s film that "stars" Lee Montgomery in the role of "Michael Fox."

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I was rejected at every undergrad I applied to, despite 1490 SATs and a 4.0.

I once met Steven Tyler at a recording studio while recording a commercial and had absolutely no idea who he was.

On a class trip to Cape Cod, I fell out of the whale-watching boat while trying to get a picture and one of the boat employees had to jump in to save me.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I've only been on ESPN twice - singing the national anthem at the NCAA gymnastics and NCAA basketball tournaments my junior year of college. That second time, I even got a momentary up-the-nose close- up.

I did coordinate a float for Oak Lawn Community Services in the 1998 Dallas Pride Parade. We rode atop a school bus, which had been painted pink and had a deck built on top, complete with deck umbrellas a sound system.

Though we are graduates of the same university, and though it would be among the greatest honors of my life were it to happen, I have never met the reclusive Harper Lee.

And I am ashamed to admit I don't even know which one of the MOC's is a lie, though I suspect it is the priest one, since every picture I've seen of him in high school features him with a mohawk wearing a Dead Milkmen (or equivalent) t-shirt.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Apparently, I suck out loud at this game because Hannah, you busted me. In the rubble of my truths, I guess you will find the reasons that I am now a low-paid government worker and my brother is a very successful lawyer. Not that I am bitter or anything.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I was rejected at every undergrad I applied to, despite 1490 SATs and a 4.0.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say this is true. If it is, I want to know where in the heck you applied.

I'll guess the Cape Cod story is false.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Very right, Mike. The Cape Cod story is almost true. Except it was my best friend who grabbed my arm AS she was falling. Bitch. I did not fall in, but she did crack her head against the railing.

And, as far as schools? Everywhere really, really good, basically. 7 or 10 schools I think. I had activities and everything. Can you tell I'm still bitter? Pathetic. I ended up at Pitt for a year and then off to the U of Chicago. I think it was fate. Chicago and I were a match made in heaven.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I don't know, Al...Three miles is a lot, even for someone on the swim team. Maybe he wanted to reform the priesthood.

Oh, out of curiosity, I read the journal of just about everyone here and I have no clue what MOC stands for (other than that it makes me picture a little Yoda-like creature - but more birdlike).

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Oh oh oh!! Please let me answer this one because I am the only one who is too lame and lazy to have a OLJ.

MOC = Meat of Cheese

Origin = Unknown to me but I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear the story behind the name.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I have swam three miles. It was at Boy Scout camp when I was 14 and was doing the mile swim. The guy who was shadowing me in the row boat to make sure I didn't drown said he would buy me a 6 pack if I did three miles. So I did. C'mon, I was 14.

I actually did want to be a priest for about a year when I was in high school, but then I realized it was because I really enjoyed the people I went to church with, and not church itself.

I did not get wait-listed at Dartmouth. Not because I would have made the first cut, but because I never would have made the waiting list. I lacked a certain amount of academic discipline in high school.

And MOC stands for Meat of Cheese.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

And, although I did not win any money in the lottery, I did win a motorcycle once. It was from a raffle ticket sold by Santa Claus Anonymous (a biker group that gives toys to the needy) that I bought at the Fells Point Festival (Fells Point is a neighborhood in downtown Baltimore with a ton of bars, etc). I sold the motorcycle for a cool $3000. How you like me now suckas?

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I realized recently that I had never defined MOC or Meat of Cheese in HYD. I will tell the story there and link it here.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

T's was the easiest, because I knew she wouldn't ever be rude to a stranger. The rest of you? Guesswork!

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Thanks Al! You rock.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Dawn, between the Fells Point Festival and Preakness, you've made me completely homesick.

That's a truth. Um...

I've met four presidents.

I went out on a date with a movie star.

I've saved eighteen people from drowning.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

"Dawn, between the Fells Point Festival and Preakness, you've made me completely homesick."

I'm sorry Keli. I know that no one else here would believe it but, as you know, the Baltimore area really is a nice place to live. And I promise that I won't mention the Hunt Cup, Cross Street Market, Orioles games at Memorial Stadium when we were kids, or anything like that anymore. But I will let you know in case you didn't already, that they fired John Buren, the sportscaster for Channel 13...can you believe that?

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Oh, and I don't think that you have met 4 presidents.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

They fired John Buren? And yet Marty Bass is still on in the morning? Criminey.

Actually, I love Don and Marty. You can't find a good morning show like that anywhere around here. I love everyone on channel 13.

#2 is my lie.

I met President Carter when I was in second grade, Reagan when I was in sixth, Bush #1 in college, and the Clintons as a grownup. I'm not so sure I'll be meeting W as I have no educational or familial connections anymore.

I lifeguarded at my local pool and in Ocean City. Booze and swimming do not mix, people!

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Keli, that is so funny that you said that about Marty Bass. I sent an e-mail to Dan Rodricks at the Sun in regard to that exact subject. Sadly, he was too much of a wuss to print it. I gotta tell you though, maybe it is because I live here and am not homesick but I can't stand WJZ in the morning...they are just so over the top gimmicky and my hate for Marty Bass runs really strong. I do still like Denise Koch, etc. but I am much more of a WBAL girl.

Okay, now I feel like I will end up really making you homesick so I will stop.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

not that anyone knows me well enough to have any insight, but here goes:

1. tiny tim patted me on the head when i was a baby

2. i was on 20/20 one time with my face blacked out and my voice altered, in a story on whistle blowers.

3. in high school, i hung out with 3 people who are now or once were on death row in texas.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Droogie, I believe #1, because it's so bizarre, and I believe #3, because everybody's been on death row in Texas at one point or another, or at least it seems that way. I say that #2 is your lie.

God, this would be a great drinking game.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Al reveals the Mystery of the MOC:

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

ah, you are correct t.

tiny tim patted me on an airplane. he was a germophobe, so it was probably rare for him to pat a baby on the head. my mom thought it was a little odd. he was not carrying his ukelele.

i knew two guys responsible for an armed robbery/murder in fort worth. they were caught years after the crime. they weren't my best friends or anything, but we did ride in the same car numerous times. the other guy was part of a murder-for-hire thing for his buddy's girlfriend. they killed her stepmom. i only met him twice. he was put to death about a year and a half ago.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Hmm, this could be interesting...

1. I'm friends with a member of Santana's band.

2. I'm dating a professional musician.

3. I have partied with Don Johnson and Cheech Marin.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

1. I used to live with a crack addict. 2. I married my first husband when I was 17. 3. I have a daughter named Guava Marie.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

Oh come on Robyn, that's too easy! Therefore, I won't guess.

But I will guess that Kay is not dating a musician. Although I really wish all three of hers were true, because then she'd be the coolest of the cool.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

I know, I'm the world's worst liar. But the name Guava is too charming.

-- Anonymous, May 17, 2002

This is kind of fun...

(1) I was disqualified in the regional Science Olympiad (an interscholastic science competition) because of "unsportsmanlike conduct".

(2) I scored a perfect 800 on the Analytical portion of the GRE.

(3) I was drum major of my high school marching band for 2 years.

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2002

Hee! I've played this before but with 10 choices:

1] I haven't met any online friends 2] I've been to ER twice 3] I was on tv (WB network) shown at a Rockets game in Houston - closeup

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2002

Aww, Mike. Not only did you rip off the concept, but you stole my title, too! Heh. Not that it was highly original or anything, anyway. . .I forgive you. But only because I really, really like this game.

Hmm. Okay. Two truths and a lie for the MATH+1 Crowd:

I, unsuspecting, once met an online friend for the first time and she and her boyfriend (who tagged along), propositioned me for some real three-way action.

When I can't sleep, I really do count sheep in my head.

David Copperfield (the illusionist) once kissed me full on the lips in a crowded Vegas casino.

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2002

1. I love to brag about my accomplishments. 2. I saw someone genuinely slip on a banana peel. 3. I really have hit my thumb with a hammer.

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2002

Aww, Mike. Not only did you rip off the concept, but you stole my title, too! Heh. Not that it was highly original or anything, anyway. . .I forgive you. But only because I really, really like this game.

Hey, I couldn't think of any way to improve on the perfection!

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

1.) Betty Ford once said to me, with slurred speech, "What pretty blonde hair you have."

2.) I once totally humiliated myself in a school play by forgetting my lines and standing motionless on stage for over three minutes.

3.) I was the victim of a foiled kidnapping at the age of 3.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

Okay, I'm going to start guessing. These are the ones I think are the lies:

(1) I was disqualified in the regional Science Olympiad (an interscholastic science competition) because of "unsportsmanlike conduct". LIE.

3] I was on tv (WB network) shown at a Rockets game in Houston - closeup LIE

Little a alison:
I, unsuspecting, once met an online friend for the first time and she and her boyfriend (who tagged along), propositioned me for some real three-way action. LIE. Mostly because I believe the sheep one and really hope the David Copperfield one is true.

3. I really have hit my thumb with a hammer. LIE

Aidan: 1.) Betty Ford once said to me, with slurred speech, "What pretty blonde hair you have." Oh, I really hope this is true.

3.) I was the victim of a foiled kidnapping at the age of 3. LIE

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

I went to high school with the woman who Prince ended up marrying.

I've been interviewed on Court TV.

When I had my wisdom teeth removed, the dentist found on the X-ray a fifth wisdom tooth coming out behind one of them and had to remove that, too.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

The Betty Ford thing IS true! I was just a baby at the time and to Betty's credit, my hair WAS blonde then. My mom said she sniffed but wasn't close enough to smell liquor on her breath.

I've never had enough lines in a school play to forget them.

I made the kidnapping thing sound way more dramatic than it actually was, but it DID happen. When I was 3, a man grabbed my hand at a crowded art fair and tried to make off with me (I went along willingly). Luckily my mom was paying attention and she snatched me back. The guy was very apologetic and claimed he thought I was HIS daughter, but then he disappeared without a looking for or claiming a different little girl. My mom didn't call the cops and just considered it a close call.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

Confession time: my 1 and 3 are true, but I cheated a bit - number 2 is semi-true because one of my college boyfriends became a professional musician, years after we'd broken up. He's the one who introduced me to Benny (the bassist for Santana).

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

1) I once performed at an All-Star game in the Astrodome.

2)I've seen Tammy Faye Bakker buying mascara.

3)I love pasta.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

(1) I was disqualified in the regional Science Olympiad (an interscholastic science competition) because of "unsportsmanlike conduct". LIE.

I thought that would be good bait, but it's true. There was a competition called "Hot House", where the goal was to create a container that would keep water warm for the longest amount of time (basically a study in insulation). The scoring was basically Mass * Change in temperature. My entry was an enclosure made of paper and scotch tape, and completely killed the competition. While it provided almost no insulation, my container had almost no mass, and thus, scored very well. I was disqualified.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2002

Fred really DID blind them with his science.

Seriously. Where can we clone Fred?

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2002

Okay, I'll reveal:

I, unsuspecting, once met an online friend for the first time and she and her boyfriend (who tagged along), propositioned me for some real three-way action. TRUE. Umm. Yeah. Let's just say that I don't talk to them anymore.

When I can't sleep, I really do count sheep in my head. TRUE. I imagine the ones in the Serta mattress commercials, with the big black numbers on their sides? And I don't just count sheep, I count them as they fly/leap over a white picket fence. Is that weird?

David Copperfield (the illusionist) once kissed me full on the lips in a crowded Vegas casino. FALSE. Oh, but were it true, HB! I saw him perform when I was around 12, I think, and he did kiss my hand when I met him. I thought I would die right then and there. A few years after that, I literally ran into him in the airport as he was rushing around, talking on his cell. So, hand kiss, body check. Full kiss on the lips? No. Sigh.

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2002

3] I was on tv (WB network) shown at a Rockets game in Houston - closeup LIE

Actually, no that was true :) I went to a game with dad who got free tickets from work in February 1998. he kept waving his hands at the camera man and I kept telling him to stop cause I didn't want to be in camera. when the game was over, I thought we had avoided being on it, but no. mom said she saw me closeup on tv - up as close as dad reaching for his cups and me looking calm and collected semi-clapping as we were leaving...w00t!

what was false? the online friends thing...I've met 4 online friends since Sunday night; just met another one...hee.

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2002

I'm gonna guess that Omar's wisdom tooth story is the LIE and that hannah has never seen Tammy Faye buying mascara or anything else.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2002

Ok, I wanna play too.

1) Before Tom Waits' last concert at the Beacon Theater, I ended up meeting him in a bar on the Upper West Side.

2) I was once arrested by the military police of another country.

3) In the last year, I have had champagne with Al Pacino and Tony Bennett.

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2002

Oh, but Hannah, she did, at the Colleyville Kmart, back when she was thinking about buying a house there.

I secretly hate pasta. Except mac and cheese, which I am devouring now.

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2002

I'll guess that Jay actually met Tom Waits at a bar on the Lower East Side instead.

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2002

hannah! What kind of mascara was she buying?

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2002

The pink and green, of course.

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2002

I'm with Mike... there were a few too many details in Jay's Tom Waits anecdote... I'm guessing some bit of it is skewed.

And since, despite my wanker status at 3WA, I am obviously not popular enough for anyone to have tried to guess my offerings over there, here are my truths and lie:

- I ate shrimp with Martin Sheen.

- I've had drinks with the Governor of Texas (not necessarily the current one).

- I was crowned Miss Teen Texas in 1990.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2002

Since it's easy to believe the first two (especially the second), I'm going to guess that PG isn't Miss Teen Texas 1990.

And that Jay never had champagne with Tony Bennet.

And o/t, I have never liked the pink and green mascara. I don't care how much of a "great buy" it is. It always makes my lashes clump.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2002

I'll say PG didn't eat shrimp with Martin Sheen.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2002

It does always clump, and gets funky in the tube after about three uses. I can't figure out who all these "professional make-up artists" are who "swear by it." I've always imagined they are on the Maybelline dole.

Back on topic, HB is right, it was 1991 and I was only a runner-up. I did have shrimp with Martin Sheen... if you count the fact that he and I were both having shrimp, and he was at the next table at Landry's. Kind of a stretch, I know.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2002

That was my guess too Mike.

And, I am hoping that she had cocktails with that good ol' gal, Ann Richards.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2002

I'll go. This is the politico version: 1. I've had breakfast with a U.S. Senator.

2. I bumped into Sonny Bono and said, "Whoops. Sorry, Son."

3. Bob Dole and I hung out with a small group of friends.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2002

Since I haven't guessed on anyone's yet....though I'm so bad at telling who's a liar....

H - I'll guess bumping into Sonny is the lie since it seems abit out there

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2002

Good call Mike. The Tom Waits story happened to my former boss, and alas not to me. And I hear Mr. Sheen is rather fond of shrimp, so I'm going to wager that PG is telling the truth on that one.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2002

Yup, Amber, you're right. While I didn't actually bump into Sonny Bono, I did walk right past him and we made eye contact and I followed his gaze like a big crazy stalker as I walked away.

I did have breakfast with a U.S. Senator. It was during my internship and there were only five interns my session so we got a pretty private meal with her. The permanant staffers were pretty pissed off.

And I "hung out" with Bob Dole at a campaign event. But it was in someone's house and there were less than 50 people there, and I stood right next to him while he spoke.

-- Anonymous, June 03, 2002

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