Has any one got a right side fairing for sale(silver)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hit a stone tonight and took out a chunk on the right side.I live in the UK if any one could help,if not howmuch would a new one be.Thanks Chas

-- charlie Richards (charlietr8@netscapeonline.co.uk), May 17, 2002


May have soon, wrote of my silver one recently, sliding it down the road on its nearside. Offside/rightside fairing i believe to be ok. Am just truing to negotiate buying it of insurance company, but they want heaps for it, so am just trying to work out its going to be worth the money and hassel to break it for the remaining serviceable bits! will let you know how i get on if you'd like me to. Paul

-- paul h (paulonly@ntlworld.com), May 26, 2002.

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