Got my SF20 today : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I just picked up my SF20 flash, I just had to have too after reading so much positive feedback. First impressions: very nice design, compact in size and not heavy at all, simple to operate - IMO it hardly needs the manual. The rear LCD is great, I really like the LDC backlight. The velvet pouch is a neat touch of class. I still need to do some testing to find the best settings in combination with my M6 classic but that will be relatively easy. As recommended by others here I'll stick on the diffusor permanently. A great addition to my Leica gear. Now I'm off to shoot some flash-photographs.

-- Bert Keuken (, May 24, 2002


What a pity for that pre world war 2 synch. speed.

-- Frank (, May 24, 2002.

if you're using M6 ttl, the flash tends to overexpose most of the time. Try setting the flash to -1, -2 stops.


-- Karl Yik (, May 24, 2002.

Don't forget that when you use the diffuser the maximum usable range is shorter than indicated on the display for a given f-stop (see manual).

-- Peter Mackay (, May 24, 2002.

Frank if the pre WWII flash sync speed really bothered me I wouldn't have bought an M6 after having owned an M4.

-- Bert Keuken (, May 24, 2002.

Bert, just a bit of sarcasm.

All the best, Frank

-- Frank (, May 24, 2002.

Bert, what "velvet pouch"? My SF20 came with a form-fitting leather case with a zipper and belt loop.

-- Jay (, May 24, 2002.

Mine came with the velvet 3 or so months ago.

-- Tim Gee (, May 24, 2002.

Correction, it's a velour bag (see the SF20 PDF-file). If you got yours "with a form-fitting leather case with a zipper and belt loop" consider yourself lucky. BTW what's the Leica part number for the leather case?

-- Bert Keuken (, May 24, 2002.


It is a truly excellent small unit - very well designed. A bit pricey perhapos for what it is, but I think worth it. I don't find it overexposes particularly by the way.

-- Robin Smith (, May 24, 2002.

Mine came with the velvet bag as well. Bought it about three weeks ago.

-- Luke Dunlap (, May 24, 2002.

I think mine was a nice black leather pouch but i lost it awhile back. Do you know where can I get a replacement?

-- edgaddi (, May 24, 2002.

hey. mine came with a velvet bag as well...bought around feb this year...Leica ripped me off!! :-)

-- Dexter Legaspi (, May 24, 2002.

I got the velvet pouch also! :-(

-- Muhammad Chishty (, May 24, 2002.

yep, velvet bag here to, got mine a few weeks back. I don't use it as it leaves little fibers all over...not exactly what I want on my equipment. Leather sounds a lot nicer, Leica, where's my leather???

-- James (, May 24, 2002.

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