SF-20 Flash & Sync Cords

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

I'd like to use my SF-20 flash on another manual camera that has a standard PC cord receptacle. Anyone know what sort of a sync cord I need to get? I'm not worried about sending data, e.g., shutter speed, etc., to the flash . . . just a standard hot shoe that will fire the unit. Does that type of sync cord have a particular name/designation?


-- Jim Reed (jimreedpc@aol.com), May 27, 2002



-- Bert Keuken (treb@operamail.com), May 27, 2002.

A number of companies make them and any good camera store should have them in stock. I have one from Kaiser myself. It gets the job done.

-- John Collier (jbcollier@shaw.ca), May 27, 2002.

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