This board is better. Discuss. : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I think this type of layout lends itself to more thought out and longer posts. I think it's to do with the clean style and the 'blank paper' of Greenspun. I miss the longer posts from Clarky, Softie, MAcB etc, as it was these that got me thinking about life, the Universe and the Toon. Perhaps this is due to being the close season (for the Toon at least, if not England), but the other NOTBBC seems IMO to encourage shorter postings which don't encourage participation, just make points. Don't know why.

I do miss this place, but then I am a Luddite at heart.

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2002


Sorry Pit Bill, just read your thread which covers the same subject. It's either Great Minds or Fools Seldom, depending on your perspective!

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2002

If you're a fool Nick, you're a great mind cos great minds appear to be fools. ( As in 'Durr, what the fook's ee on about ? ) :-{E}

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2002

I hadn't really considered the points your'e making Nick, but I have been finding the NTBBC board rather unedifying and lacking in real interest. I haven't been abe to figure out what has been wrong, other than an apparent lack of interest.

As you suggest, the posts tend to be brief and there has very little debate over there. To be honest, there have been precious few posts either lately - I've felt I've been talking to myself much of the time.

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2002

I'm defending NOTBBC, natch, since I dragged everyone over there. I do think it's basically down to it being close-season. World Cup or no, without Toon fixtures every few days and a helping of signings, injuries and player / manager quotes, there's inevitably less to chat about. I think we've even got rumour fatigue as there's so many rumours without foundation knocking about.

Try the new frameless beta if you don't like the current NOTBBC layout.

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2002

Dan's right, re the lack of activity. It was the same last season, probably worse because there was no World Cup or Euro Champs to talk about.

Anyway, everyone hopped over to notbbc pdq, making it quite active when there was still plenty to talk about. As for changing formats, it seems to me just a case of most people inherently disliking change. Unfortunately, we're all going to have to deal with it until we find a host/server that doesn't crash(Does such a beast exist?). In other words, get used to it. ;-)

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2002

Agree with Dan, wait till after the world cup, the transfer speculation, the rumours, the fixture list, the friendlies, wherever we end up it'll be buzzing.

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2002

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