Good Sabbath : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Good Sabbath Observe the sabbath and keep it holy.

This was one of the commandment which has been strictly observed by the Jewish people since the ancient times of Moses and the Prophets. It was further observed powerfully (both in ritual and Spiritualy) by the early Christian community.

The Catechesim Of the Catholic Church has much to say about this.

2177The Sunday celebration of the Lord's Day and his Eucharist is at the heart of the Church's life. "Sunday is the day on which the paschal mystery is celebrated in light of the apostolic tradition and is to be observed as the foremost holy day of obligation in the universal Church."

2178 This practice of the Christian assembly dates from the beginnings of the apostolic age. The Letter to the Hebrews reminds the faithful "not to neglect to meet together, as is the habit of some, but to encourage one another".

2185 On Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are to refrain from engaging in work or activities that hinder the worship owed to God, the joy proper to the Lord's Day, the performance of the works of mercy, and the appropriate relaxation of mind and body. Family needs or important social service can legitimately excuse from the obligation of Sunday rest. The faithful should see to it that legitimate excuses do not lead to habits prejudicial to religion, family life, and health.

The following is an extract taken from the JEWISH MIDRASH :

Preparing the House and Oneself

1. Arising Early One should arise early on Friday morning to prepare for Shabbat. The gemara(Judaism canon or law / Rabbi, though not sure) notes that even great sages helped with the household chores in order to honor the Shabbat.

2. Tidying the Home One should set his table, arrange his bedding, sweep and wash the floor, and attend to all household matters before Shabbat. Therefore, when he returns from synagogue Friday night he will find his house clean and in order. For the duration of Shabbat one should have a nice tablecloth spread and one try to keep the house neat and tidy (OC 262:1).

3. Wearing Clean and Fine Shabbat Clothing One should launder his clothing during the week in order to have clean clothes for Shabbat.

4. Purchasing Food for Shabbat Dining In the event that one can purchase and prepare the food for Shabbat easily, it is preferable to do this on every Shabbat in order to show that it was bought specifically in Shabbat's honor.

5. Spending Lavishly Although one's income is divinely determined each year from one Rosh Hashana to the next one may spend lavishly for the sake of Shabbat, as it is guaranteed that God will ultimately repay the expenditures.

In spite of all the saying dont you think that majority of Catholics/Christians worldwide dont bother anymore to keep this precious day HOLY. For many Sunday is usually a day for meeting friends and partying. We have lost the seriousness and respect for the Christian Sabbath. When the Jews can be so serious as stated above then how much serious and Spiritual must we be.

The so called Protestant(including Benny Hinn and others) believe that the tradition of observing the Sabbath belong to the OT and not for Christian.

Your $0.02

Peace & Prayers

-- Xavier (, July 03, 2002



-- Xavier (, July 03, 2002.

Remember Fiddler On The Roof - Where the entire family together celebrates the Sabbath - May the Lord protect and defend you. May his face shine upon you.

Something very touching.

Peace & Blessings

-- Xavier (, July 03, 2002.

A few reasons to worship God during Sunday Mass, Xavier.

(1)God commanded it. "Rember to keep holy at the sabbath day" (Exodus 20:8)[As Christians, the Sabbath was moved to the first day of week to honor the resurection of our Lord.

"On the first day of the week, when we gathered to break bread[ie, the Eucharist]... (Acts 20:7)

(2) Jesus Christ, our model for living, lovingly obeyed God the Father.

"He[Jesus] came to Nazareth, where he had grown up, and went according to His custom into the synagogue on the sabbath day" (Luke 4:16)

(3) Jesus taught his followers to worship together as a community.

We gather to rember His death on the cross for us, which has defeated the power of sin and death over us. We rember His rising from the dead, which gives us eternal life.

(4)The early Church was faithful to the teaching of Jesus.

"They devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles and to the comunal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers..." (Acts 2:42)

"For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaom the death of the Lord until he comes." (1 Corinthians 11:26)

Even in the first century, the Church thought that the celebrating the Eucharist was integral tp the Christian life.

"We should not stay away from our assembly[1] as is the custom of some, but encourage one another, and this all the more as you see the day[2]drewing near." (Hebrews 10:25)

(5) We need to receive Holy Communion

The Eucharist is the very Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. God wants to nourish us with His very life. Sharing our life with Jesus gives us the strenghth to live with God and others. If we do not think it is important to worship at Mass, then are we realy saying that we do not need Jesus."

(6) Do it because you love God.

If we realy love someone, then we will take the time to be with them.


-- David (, July 03, 2002.

Is Sabbath day... Saturday or Sunday? What does Bible Support? Bible says Saturday is the Sabbath day., If you say Sunday...then you must contact me for further details. Hello Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

My name is Pilla Srinivas. I born on August 03, 1976. I live in India, am Christian, good-looking and single.

God is good all the times. Please pray for me and my family. If you have prayer me....

My Postal Address:

Pilla Srinivas, Jilellamudi Vari Lane, Eastern Street, Eluru-534001, Andhra Pradesh-India.


-- Pilla Srinivas ( Is Sabbath day...Saturday or Sunday ) (, July 25, 2002.

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