Let's share useful information with one another

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

This board is so incredible!!! The amount of information that one can learn is amazing. I was thinking it would be great if we would share information that is helpful to one another. i.e scholarships, deals on trips, airfare, vaction resources, history (Thank you Jerryl for you keep us informed about our history) Anyway you get the idea. So I would like to begin by sharing about Low Income Drug Benefit for those on Medicare who have a gross annual income of less than $18,000 ($24,000 for a couple filing jointly) and have no other prescription coverage they may be eligible for the "New Pfizer Share Card." This card began in March 2002, once you have the card one can purchase a 30 day supply of any listed Pfizer prescription for a flat fee of $15.00 (This great for diabetics) For more info call 1-800-717-6005 or check out the web site www.pfizerforliving.com (the source of this information is from the newspaper the voice of the Diabetic)

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2002


I received an email regarding how to start a buying club? I had posted a question some time ago about wanting to start one. A buying club is comprised of individuals who come together to buy food in bulk thus lowering the price for individuals. The food can be organic, or what ever type of food you would like to order. There was someone on the board who said his church had one and we hope that person will share how his church started one. I have the address of a web site about starting a food co-op the address is very long. So can Jerryl, Robert or someone do a direct link. Thanks so much!!!! The address is www.bpco-op/pages/buying%20club.htm

God bless and please keep us posted if anyone is starting one. Oh on that web site is an form where you can request more information.

-- Anonymous, July 06, 2002

Hello Friends,

This is where you can get your cooperative grub on.

In Excellence,

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2002

Sorry Chuck and everyone else but for some reason the web address I listed for buying club info is no longer there. But I found another source go to www.coopdirectory.org once you get to the page click on "Buying clubs" there is also a list of coops around the country. Chuck can you link to the new address please. www.coopdirectory.org Thanks!!

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2002


How are you my sister?  Here's the URL you requested.  It seems to be chock full of good information.

In Excellence,

-- Anonymous, July 07, 2002

Chuck I am limping for the lord;-) My foot is healing and my blood clot is dissolving and I am having a ball being A.M.E and pastoring my church. I am beyond happy and God is so good!! thanks for asking how I am doing. The lastest link you posted is not working. But if people type in www.coopdirectory.org they can go directly to the page and get info on coops and buying clubs. Again thank you for all of your help.

-- Anonymous, July 08, 2002


As I read how you were doing I thought of the verse in Romans 8 when it read our  current sufferings couldn't be compared to the glory to be revealed in us...limp on with joy, your confession & testimony blesses me.

Allow me to correct both links:

In Excellence, (This time)


-- Anonymous, July 09, 2002

Chuck you made me cry with your kind words. When I was in a wheel chair several months ago, I learned so much from that experience as a pastor, I was able to understand the frustration that those who are wheel chaired bound have to deal with. And out of that experience a new ministry has evolved. Every Monday our church has a second service at a Nursing home, it was an outreach ministry started last year. Out of that 20 residences joined our church the oldest is 99 and the staff are allowed to come to church also. We have invited those in wheel chairs in the community to worship with us. It has been amazing. My limping is a gift from God for it reminds me that he allowed me to have my foot so I can continue his work. Thank you so much for the links, isn't God grand!

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2002

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