where do i ger ICM.DX50

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i have recently recieved a VCD and when i went to play it my video player tryed to down load this ICM.DX50 but it was un avaliable does anyone know where i can get it?

-- Tanja (tamy83@hotmail.com), July 07, 2002


How come there is such a video format (icm.dx50) and no solution to it. Very Odd enough.

I think it may be a fake format, cheating people to play it and find it on the net whole day long with no outcome at all.

A silly format indeed.

-- Cindy Ellison (lanhua030@sina.com), September 08, 2002.

even my software expert does not know about this. i'm sure its a fake.

-- anil chhotani (anilchhotani@yahoo.com), December 10, 2003.

it si not a fake format. http://www2.driverguide.com/uploads/uploads19/36553.html good luck

-- anonimous (a19970859@yahoo.com), December 18, 2003.

it is not a fake format. http://www2.driverguide.com/uploads/uploads19/36553.html good luck

-- anonimous (a19970859@yahoo.com), December 18, 2003.

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