The principal of Perception: Do we Exist? : LUSENET : Fantasy Iota : One Thread

I wrote this about 6 months ago.....

Reflections on the definition of Existence

Who am I? I am but a mere mortal, am I not? Yet, I dare do what no mere mortal has done before…I dare question the purpose, all theory, and the very foundation of existence! Why do I do this? What motivates me? I am afraid I have more questions than answers…for, every time I answer a question, it leads to more questions based on that answer….What is life? Is life lived only by those that perceive it? If one cannot ask the question “why am I?” the one who hath not capacity to inquire such, are they non-existent? What is the constant that answers all, the one solid, unbreakable law that applies to all, no exceptions? Perhaps, there is none! I have given this much thought, and I concluded that the only was to prove existence, is to ask oneself the question “Do I exist?” and, “Why do I exist?” The answers are not easy to find, but they are there, because for every question asked, there MUST be an answer!

So, I reiterate…Who Am I? I am human, composed of flesh and blood, coursing through my veins, a never-ending process of death and rebirth…but, take away that vessel, that body, and leave only the thoughts, silent whispers that fall upon deaf ears…and, then, who I am I? Do I exist? I have no proof in that! I cannot prove that I, alone, exist, or that everything else exists as well! Then, perhaps, another question must be asked…”What is life?” “What is death?” Life is the same as existence; therefore, if I perceive myself as existing, I have life. Then, perhaps, what is death? Merely, the absence of life? Or, another plane in reality, one devoid of all senses and objects, only filled with thought, regret, sorrow, frustration, and hopelessness? But, that can never be proven…nor, can it be proven that life is the same as existence…if a rock “exists” is it alive? No? Then, one must redefine “Life”. A more scientific term for life is “A form that consumes a gas, releases a gas, gives birth, and dies…” this groups all “living” things together.

But, my question now, is: “is fire alive?” “Surely, it is not!” laugh most educated scholars... “But, it fits all the requirements of life! It is borne by act of friction, it gives birth by touching from one surface to another, it consumes oxygen, and it releases heat! And, it dies when cut off from its supply of oxygen...” This was met by most unusual glances… “Surely, you jest!” they replied. “fire is but a product of man, and is controlled by humanity, and devoid of life!” “Not so!” I retorted, much to the shock of my colleagues. “ lightning is not manmade, and yet causes fire…an act of friction by wind rubbing two surfaces together produces fire as well!” this was met with even more confusion, as a disbelieving murmur went up amidst the throng. “AHA!” shouted yet another colleague... “You forgot one definition of life: it must be made up of cellulous protein structure, which fire has not! Your proposition is invalid!” And with this, I set off, dejected, embarrassed, and resentful….This little quibble proves, that the answer can be found by merely re-writing the question, guiding it, re-defining it, ‘till it is corrupted beyond recognition…

And, even then, the grasp of society unenlightened stays firmly clenched on the nape of our necks! There is no room for independent thought, only ideas that are accepted by the public at large are thought to be beneficial…Well, enough, I say! I cast off this sheath of unenlightenment! I strive toward perception, in the mannerisms of the universe! So, I ask you, the reader, to consider my ramblings, take heed, and please consider that there ARE alternatives…independent thought is capable…and, do not bow to the will of the crowd! Be proud, speak freely, letting no hold on emotions take place! With that, I leave you, the reader, alone with your thoughts….may they be enlightened ones!

But, what then, is the purpose of being? Is it merely to know one’s existence is beneficial? Or, is there an ultimate purpose, one that cannot be comprehended by the human mind? “I think, therefore I am” Quoth Rene Descartes, a philosopher of the “enlightened” age in Europe some 500 years ago... while I respect the intellectual capacity of this man, I must disprove this theory as incorrect! For, a blade of Grass, a single blade is incapable of thought! It merely carries out its task, growing, obtaining carbon Dioxide, releasing Oxygen, burrowing into the soil to feed on nutrients, and eventually withering and dying. At any point, does it stop to reflect? Does it consider the delight of the warmth of the sun, the coolness of water? Does it perceive that it EXISTS as a being, as a solid object, a tangible plane, that is born, grows, and dies? The answer, of course, is No. It cannot perceive its own existence; therefore it cannot philosophize, and cannot think freely, if at all. So, then, does a single blade of grass exist? Yes, it does! And, the theory, then, would be disproved.

But, wait! It only exists if one PERCIEVES its existence on the same plane! So, instead of debunking Descartes’ theory entirely, a new one can be hypothesized! “I think, therefore I perceive, and therefore the things I perceive exist!” With the ability to think the only constant in the world! With that, you can prove the existence of everything based on one’s perception! Logically, this statement is proven true under all costs! But, once again, that answer is the key that opens one door, which leads to a room with many more doors! That IS perception? What IS existence? What IS thinking? ....and so forth….I challenge the reader to think of these things, and perhaps answer THESE questions, as well! And, this I leave the reader with…for, no one man can come up with all the answers, but working together as one humanity, the answers we seek can be found…

-- Davey Rootbeer (, July 20, 2002


Very intresting.. I enjoyed it... don't really know what else to say about this one Davey.

-- ArchPyro (, July 20, 2002.

I would say realy good Davey but confusion isn't something I would give praise to. It seems (to me) it's a case of "I wear a jacket,therefore I am warm" sort of thing. As I was reading I felt almost as though my head was filled with helium but what I firmly believe keeps me more grounded and these questions you ask no longer are questions to me but the feeling of sureness inside and I have no longer need to doubt. Do you ask these questions because you doubt or because you long to truely exist? You long for meaning and to love is to live. Seek love I ask you for love is only real. Existing is to love and seek until you find, don't accept anything less and true happeness you will find. To question is simply a sign of unfulfillness. To question is a journey but you must seek what is important. Let your heart decide whether it exists, untouched of human doubt and love yourself. For with love comes trust(belief), respect and dedication.(blimey,.. I have got carried away with this haven't I? I should've told you not to give me too much helium)

-- Mark (, July 22, 2002.

It realy is good though Davey,.. you seem very very clever. Just a quote from the bible, Wisdom "clever people know where the are going when the die but stupid people don't" something like that anyway,.,. but somehow I'm sure you know,.. be it in you heart or mind forever seek the truth.

-- Mark (, July 22, 2002.

Very well-done, Davey...a bit heavy-handed and naively phrased, but a nicely Malkavian view of reality. I agree about "I think therefore I am"...theoretically, a robot can be programmed to say that; however, I believe that the purpose of that sentiment was for Descartes to prove his sentience to himself, and not be holden to anyone else's definition of himself. It's a very subjective statement.

-- Freya Lorelei (, July 22, 2002.

cogito ergo sum.
esse est percipi.

No kidding.

-- Kant (, July 23, 2002.

Nice Davey very good man. I knew you were good man but hey. There is alot of stuff in here I find a little for lack of a better word ignorant. Only in the sense that maybe the answer is just out of reach man. I like it man.

-- Raoul Duke (, July 31, 2002.

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