Persistance of loss : LUSENET : Fantasy Iota : One Thread

Something from the top of me head.
It didn't have to end like this. It really didn't. Adn in a sense, this was the only way it could end. The only way. Sighing, I pulled myself up out of the bed, glancing lazily at the widow. Fuck...they're already here. No rest for the wicked, I suppose. And, I am very wicked...wicked enough to have my rest taken from me, wicked wnough to know the things that I shouldn't. In this day and age, knowledge is the worst crime commitable. Knowing how to read is a capital offence. Knowing that two plus two equals four carries a harsh sentence. And I knew everything. Well, not everything, but enough to make myself a threat. Enough to make everyone around me worry, and lock me away, to wait until this day of days, when they would purge my knowledge, along with me, from this world. But, As always, I know more than they do. I know something they don't, and that knowledge can damn them for all time. I would smile, but..I don't. They walk to my cell, three of them. Two guards and a preist. Like I'm any threat. I curse under my breath, mainly to speak to myself, soothe my nerves, reach a point of calm in this maelstrom. I allow myself one smirk, small, and hiddens, as they open the cell door, and step in. They read the list of charges...crimes against the state, against human race, against royal god damn mandate. Fuck all that, just hurry and kill me, so I can end all this. The preist does his bit, and we all rise, heading out. I keep smiling, in my head, knowing that I'm not the only one who knows what I know. As We head into the injection room, they allow me to speak to the audience, hidden behind that one way mirror. I speak slowly, deliberatley, gazing at roughly eye-level. I can only imagine that she's there, her belly already swollen with child, smiling softly at my least, I hope she's smiling. My words...well, they're ment for her. I end my speech, and get lead to the table, cold impersonal, and get strapped in. There, they give their own speech, saying I'm gonna die. I shrug, and smile...I hope she names him after me. The cold metal needle peirces my arm, and the world fades...

-- Zero_6ix (, July 20, 2002


For some reason I like this one a lot more than 'The Snow'.

-- ArchPyro (, July 20, 2002.

*blinks* Nice one...rings of Fahrenheight (sp?) 451.

-- Angel (, July 23, 2002.

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