Emerson c.d./radio/cassette player problem

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have an Emerson 5 c.d. player with cassette and radio. I think there's a c.d. stuck in it. All I hear is a lot of scratching and dragging noises when I try to play a c.d. Is it safe to open the back and will I see anything if I do open it up? Manual has nothing about this problem. The radio and cassette play fine. It's a table top model. Thanks for your time and have nice evening.

-- Heidi Dunkin (poolba@swbell.net), July 24, 2002


Have you tried calling Emerson customer support?

-- (a@a.a), July 24, 2002.

I believe I have the same unit w/turntable. The CD player does not work either -- this is after approximately 6 month use. How can this be repaired? I heard Emerson is out of business or going out of business. Does anything have a telephone number? Thanks!

-- JoAnne Mann (Jody1747@aol.com), September 17, 2002.

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