Credibility of Extended Warranty : LUSENET : Photography Singapore : One Thread

Please enlighten me about the credibility of Extended Warranty that was offered by some Stores - such as Harvey Norman - in addition with the standard One year Manufacturer's Warranty. I am going to get a Digital Camera very soon, and in doubt if I should applied for the Extended Warranty.

My Question is: Is there any collaboration with Manufacturer's Service Centre during the Extended Warranty period provided by the Purchased-From-Store, or all Repair and Services will be provided by another Party, and not the Manufacturer, during the Extended Warranty period. I would appreciate to hear from you soon. Thank You


-- Slamat Jem (, July 27, 2002



Mostly for stores, the Extended Warranty will be covered by third pary vendors. Check with the manufacturer to see if they do provide their own Extended Warranty packages. If they do, I would advise getting them direct from the manufacturers.

My experience with them is such that: - 1. They offer such warranties at a higher price as compared to the manufacturer. 2. And sometimes the warranty covers only limited parts.

But if the manufacturer themselves do not offer Xtnded Wtty, just go with the stores' Wtty and hope that after the first year, the camera does not give in. At least, we get better sleep at night with the extra assurance.

Happy hunting!


-- Vuego Serph (, September 22, 2002.

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