Which is the best DVD player for VCDs sold in the Indo-Pak

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am looking to buy a dvd player that will also play MP3 and VCDs. The VCDs/SVCDs and MP3 CDs are burnt on my pc as I am converting my 8mm camcorder holiday footage and VHS stuff onto the durable CDs. My DVD should be able to cope with all such a media. In addition, family has a large collection of VCDs of indian films and dramas that freeze and skip on the few DVD players that I have tested so far. With a budget of around £200, can anyone suggest a tried and tested dvd player that can offer the features that I am looking for. Thanks in advance for all help offered.

-- Anjum (anjum_anjum@hotmail.com), July 29, 2002


If they skip and freeze on those DVD players they will likely skip and freeze on any that u intend 2 buy. MP3 playback is common on DVD players presently but check 2 b sure.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (turk690@yahoo.com), July 29, 2002.

I have a Pioneer DVD-343 and it plays everything I throw at it flawlessly-- commercial VCD, home-burned VCD, SVCD, even MPEG-1 at DVD resolution on CD. No skips or freezes (although I haven't tried DIVX or other pirated stuff as I don't believe in it). It has twin lasers so it plays any brand disk I've tried. It is also region selectable. The only downside to this machine is that it doesn't play MP3s. You can try www.vcdhelper.com for a semi-comprehensive list of what machine is compatible with what formats.

-- No One

-- No One (no@one.com), July 31, 2002.

Try the Apex 1200...I bought it last week and it rocks! Plays all the vcd's I can burn with Nero!

: )

-- stu (wstuart2@msn.com), August 01, 2002.

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