Please email me! : LUSENET : Current News - Homefront Preparations : One Thread

We lost all the emails again, we had them saved monthly and plus a back up on a spare drive, Dan zagged when he should have zigged..and I have no ones current address...

Meem, I have yours...Git I have yours...soooo iffn you don;t mind, and you are one that has emailed me privately before, (and have mine) the one... could you email me, and I can "add" you ...thanks!

-- Anonymous, August 14, 2002


Bumping to new answers.

IT'S RAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2002

good thing you have a contact list at IC, huh.

-- Anonymous, August 15, 2002

great news..FINALLY dan got the program to copy and I have my adress book, favorites and is good!

-- Anonymous, August 16, 2002

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