What are the opposing viewpoints of Choice Theory?greenspun.com : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
I am a middle school teacher who has been using the Choice Theory philosophy in my classroom. I have taught my students about it directly as part of my masters program and have been researching the topic intensely.In my study of Choice Theory I have found it difficult finding opposition data that contradicts the Choice Theory philosophy and research. I have delved into Assertive Discipline and it has helped somewhat. Is Assertive Discipline relevant as a opposing viewpoint? Are there any other opposing ideas out there that I can invest time in? Thank you for your time and help. Sincerely, David Gunderson
-- David Gunderson (gundorama@hotmail.com), August 18, 2002
Assertive discipline does not match up with choice theory as it is external control in principle. The client must be self directed under choice theory.Anyway why oppose a great theory just for the sake of opposing. May be it isn't opposed that much as it has few weaknesses. However, there must be opposing views and when I finish my week 1 intensive program tomorrow i will bring the point up to my facilitator.
-- Jim Lowerison (JALowerison@hotmail.com), November 23, 2002.
Skinner's theory on conditioning (operant and clasical) would be an opposing theory in that Choice Theory implies internal control and Conditioning implies external control.
-- James Richter, M.Ed. (jimbren@vipweb.net), April 29, 2004.