Heath at Premiere

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Heath Chat : One Thread

Heath will be at the Premiere of Four Feathers in Toronto Canada on September 8! Me and my hubby are going to it since its not that far away! I'll let you guys know what happens!

-- Gina Hart (ginalyn@intouchmi.com), August 25, 2002


omg! he was at the video music awards... hes bald and doesn't look that great and he acted pretty stupid 2 hope his new movie is gona be good!

-- Lizzy Lynne (LizzyLizard8200@netscape.net), August 29, 2002.

YEA!!!!!!!!!! I know that he's going to be really busy, but I hope that you get meet and spend some time with him. You deserve it! My fingers are crossed.......... :)

-- Amy Hays (homella1@aol.com), August 25, 2002.

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