Response to Can Playstation 2's play VCD's? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

The_Machine, I haven't heard of that program... but I'd be very skeptical that it would actually be able to write bad sectors to a CD, based on what I've heard (including Mr. Anderson's explanation). I don't think the burner would accept that.

ZamMan, I got the information from several people in #ps2-emulation on EFNet, including Hiryu, the developer of SNES-Station. They have personally talked to the people developing the DivX Player. Apparently they have it working decently on Naplink (which allows you to somehow send code to the PS2 from a computer through a USB cable... not directly from a CD-R... this method is much faster than reading from a CD-R). Of course, the eventual goal is to have it working directly off a CD-R.

I've heard that closed beta testing is to begin soon... I can sort of understand why they don't want an open (anyone can try) beta test for a program that isn't acceptably functional yet... there would be a lot of complaints, etc.

As for VCD, I have not heard of any support for it, so I wouldn't be hopeful about that. But with DivX being such a better format, I don't really mind. After all, you can fit 2 to 3 full-length movies at 352x240 resolution, encoded in DivX, on a CD.

It's too bad that we have to wait so long... they're saying they'll have a releasable version sometime this winter, at the earliest...

-- Aero (, August 28, 2002

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