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I would like to know a bit more about Dylan Carlson, like his date/place of birth, any bands he was in before earth, about his interest in barracuda cars, his favourite music or just anything. anyone think they can help me?

-- Anonymous, August 29, 2002


ok heres as much as i know about dylan. earth is basically the only band hes played in,that i know of and is definitley the only band that hes released material with. on back of the " earth 2" CD you'll see dylan wearing a morbid angel long sleeve which leads me to believe he was into morbid angel, and ive heard that when they started out they played some motorhead covers. according to the interview with mike stutz, he basically thinks alot of metal sucks, except for slayer ( of course hehe) and hes into spirtualized and space men 3. you can hear some of the space men 3 influence on the first track of " thrones and dominions" entitled " harvey". hes also a gun nut and as for your questions about his interest in barracuda's ( the car) i dont know, maybe he likes the leather interior or something, lol. i think some reviewer compared the album that the car appeared on ( pentastar) to that car. i dont know, dont ask me!!! lol hope that was helpful.

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2002



-- Anonymous, August 04, 2003

Thanks, and if

-- Anonymous, September 05, 2002

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