tutorial on vcdhelp.com is a little bit long......does WinonCD support this feature

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

tutorial on vcdhelp.com consists of two softwares and is it possible to burn that cue file in the root of a Video CD

or Does WinonCD supports this feature or what u think about nero or there is some other video cd writing software

-- kunal mittal (kunalmittal10@rediffmail.com), September 03, 2002


I use Nero to burn my vcds right now, it does a pretty good job of it. But if you want to make a vcd out of an avi, then you'd have to use two diff. programs : decompressor.exe- to decompress the audio on avi, and then avi2vcd/avi2mpeg to get your mpeg video. The mpeg can then be converted to vcd by using nero-burning rom or adaptec or roxio. I'm not aware of winoncd.

-- Adit (iyeraditya@hotmail.com), September 04, 2002.

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