New Timetables and Revisions : LUSENET : Altamont Press Timetable & Products : One Thread

Rob, or any other member of this group:

Do you know what new timetables or revisions are due on the market?

I know that the first timetable for that great State of Texas is available.

When will PNW #7 be available, how about Southwest Region #5 (or 6, I don't know which number is currently on the market).

Also, Amtrak trains #799 and #780 are missing from Calif. TT #13, will they be included in #14?, how about Capitols #531 and #540.

How about combining California Region and Pacific Northwest into a Pacific Seaboard Region #1 timetable next year.


-- Peter Warner (, September 12, 2002


New editions will be produced once a timetable is sold out. When will that happen? I don't have a crystal ball. Based on previous editions, I would have expected that press run to sell out last May. This run is just selling slower than in previous years. It might be that the number of people who kept asking about a new edition 1 1/2 years ago never bought the current one and started talking about a new edition. We still have plenty available and it is still relatively current.

The trains you say are missing didn't exist when that timetable went to press. So missing is not the correct way to phrase it.

Why combine editions? I don't get a logic to that idea. It would essentially double the cost, double the size making it not usable in the field.


-- Rob (, November 28, 2002.

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