Anyone rowing the Vineyard sound? : LUSENET : Open-water rowing : One Thread

I'm planning to row the Vineyard Sound from Vineyard Haven (Martha's ineyard Island) to Wood's Hole (Falmouth Mass.) in a 20 foot open dory. It's approximately 8 miles. I am looking for advice from anyone and particularly experinenced rowers who have made this run. I have made the trip often enough in a power boat to know the waters well from that stand point. Thanks

-- David Ursun (, September 18, 2002


david, i'll be upfront and admit that i have no advice to give you except to get the marine forcast and fill up your flask before you go out. i was wondering, however, if you'd mind indulging my curiosity and tell me a bit about your boat: eg. banks style, swampscott, a more contemporary version? sorry to respond to your question with a question, but good luck anyhow. brian

-- brian wagner (, September 18, 2002.

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