I need help looking for an old thread.....can anyone help??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Does anyone remember the thread where we discussed "what it means to be holy, or what is holiness"?

I can't seem to locate it. If anyone comes across it, would you please send it to the top.

Thanks a bunch!


-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), September 24, 2002


I went to a "Holiness of Parenting and Prayer" seminar last night and would like to compare my notes with that thread.

We talked about how we live out the Paschal Mystery in our marriages/relationships and family. we talked about our sacrifices and how you give yourself to your spouse and children. And more.

It was lead by a woman named Linda who also does youth ministry.

Thanks again if anyone can help,

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), September 24, 2002.

Hello Kathy,

Here's the link:

What is holiness?

God bless you,


-- (MattElFeo@netscape.net), September 24, 2002.

Thanks Mateo! How did you find it so quickly?!? I have been searching and searching all morning......and you find it just like that.

I appreciate it, thank you so much.

God bless you Mateo,

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), September 24, 2002.

Hi Kathy,

Just a little Google.com hint:

I first did a search on the site (www.greenspun.com) and the two words "catholic" and "holiness".

Here's what I typed in the Google search box:

+catholic +holiness site:www.greenspun.com

Here's the result.


Getting a little more nerdy, if I search on the phrase "what is holiness" in place of the word "holiness"...I type:

+catholic +"what is holiness" site:www.greenspun.com

Here's the result.

That's my secret...If you couldn't tell, I like using Google.



-- (MattElFeo@netscape.net), September 24, 2002.

And to think I've been doing these searches the old fashioned way! Thanks for sharing your secret, I am sure it is going to save me ALOT of time in the future. ;-)

-- Kathy (sorry@nomail.com), September 24, 2002.


I "topped" this thread for you. I rembered Mateo showed Kathy how to find older threads. Maybe this will help you.

-- - (David@excite.com), January 24, 2004.

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