Can you say there are all the different types of setting in TCoA? : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

Can you find all four kinds of settings in The Cask of Amontillado?

I found the kind of setting that creates a mood or atmosphere, which would be the paragraph where he descries the night that we met with Fortunato.

I don't kno if it's right or not, but i think the last part where Montresor said, "My heart grew sick- on the account that the catacombs were damp..." I think that depicts character, it's telling you that Montresor has no regret and he's immoral and cruel.

I didn't get a setting that creates ironic undertones, which is the one i need help with. Also I can't find an example of a setting that creates a sense of reality, unless it's the part where they were talking about the carnival season, which would be a sense of reality because that's the season before lent...but i still don't understand it.

So, if you could possibly help me out...please! thank you so MUCH in advance!


-- Anonymous, October 04, 2002


Ouch. Soundslike someone wrote a paper and now wants you to guess what he wrote. More a riddle than a fair discussion. There is the festival, the house of Montresor and the catacombs beneath ending with the final niche where Forunato is walled up forever.

When Montresor lets slip his heart was sick it IS an admission of weakness which his quick denial only accentuates. He is man constantly hardening his heart, but that was decades ago! You sense torment contradicting the pride. The mix is pure horror of soul, a cold as death smile burying sickness, dennying guilt. The ironic undertones can be found anywhere, but the confining, burying of his victim buries too the soul of Montresor, his mocking pride a bit hollow and repulsive. Before he gets down to revenge, the normal world is the festival. The house is the midway location, the door to the trap, where the oldman supposedly is retelling the murder, the bones of his victim silent below. Once inside a cluastrophobic and deadly space the world comes unbound even as the victim is squeezed into the trap. So I would suppose the real world is that of the outside carnival in the streets.

-- Anonymous, October 07, 2002

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