No Senna comes with carbon air rams : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I have been told that no Senna was delivered out of the factory with carbon fibre air rams, despite what the manual says, and despite all the promotional materials and official websites which picture them. I have been told they are avaiable for purchase however at A$1,500 (US$740), each. I have also been told that the factory has no intention of delivering them either.

I would be interested if any Senna owner had one factory delivered with carbon air rams.

-- Brian (, October 05, 2002


This is unfortunate, but doesn't suprise me...nor does the fact that I am the 6th person to order a water pump at my dealer! Yes it pukes coolant every warm day I ride it, and YES it draws quite a crowd (of cynics mind you) everytime I park it. I think I'll spend my $740 (times two!) on something more meaningful!

Val (senna sixty8) Alparaque

-- val alparaque (, October 06, 2002.

Regarding the coolant issue. I've had that problem with both my MVs, but what I found is that after a ride if I let the fan run a bit before pulling the key the engine cools and the coolant doesn't run out

-- TP (, October 07, 2002.

I've tried letting the fan run, only to watch coolant continue to drip out...I estimate a tablespoon worth of fluid at 207 degrees farenheit. I looks like it leaks around the pump, mind you that the bike only has 1400 miles on it! I went by the dealer on Saturday afternoon hoping it would leak all over their driveway, but it didn't! However, you could see fresh coolant drying on the lower fairings under the last set of dzus fasteners. Lucky ME!!!

-- val alparaque (, October 08, 2002.

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