The stupidest state : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Just thought you guys ought to know that, according to Dave Barry, Kansas is the stupidest state. Is that why most OK members live elsewhere? 869.h

-- peter (, October 20, 2002


Well, I'm not sure about stupidest state. I've lived in Missouri for almost ten years now and I'd have to say Missouri is definetly more stupid.

Three other comments....Dan lives in Kansas now. Mook lives in Arizona, but I'm pretty sure his car has Kansas plates. Finally, I think I recall reading that Western Massachusets is the Kansas of New England.

-- Michael (, October 21, 2002.

One should note that Spike lives in Kansas City, MO. Note the Kansas connection. The smart people live in St. Louis.

-- Eric (, October 21, 2002.

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