Is Chief Moose up to the task? : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Is Chief Moose up to the task?

The US Champs are being held in sniper territory in less than 2 weeks. The local police departments have already had that long to haul this maniac in (or take her down if need be), but seem completely lost in how to find her, how to deal with the press, and how to handle their responsibility to give out information to the public (which, as always, has the right to know what is going on).

There's nothing that a sniper would like more than to hide in the woods and pick off orienteers as they approach a control one by one. I'm sure that the sniper is eyeing the US Champs, perhaps as the venue to stage a final "masterpiece". What event could possibly draw more international media than a US champs o' meet? QOC has seemingly turned a blind eye to these scenarios. Will they at least have the decency to refund meet fees to any orienteers shot by the sniper?

-- Mook (, October 22, 2002


Mook is obviously ramping up his campaign to win the tasteless humor award in Spike's blog. The sad part is that there's a very real chance that QOC will give in to public hysteria and cancel this event. Let's hope they continue to turn a "blind eye" to the absurdly low probability of an attack during the champs.

-- Eric (, October 23, 2002.

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