greenspun.com : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread

A large Katzhutte figure designed by Dakon, circa 1930, the stylish woman in halter-neck dress, holding on to her hat while striking a typical Art Deco pose, decorated in shades of pink, with a floral decoration- full Katzhutte marks and impressed Dakon signature 16.5in/42cm high Looking to see what she is worth and if you know some who would buy her. Thanks, robert

-- Robert Blasko (robertb@ncweb.com), October 29, 2002


I am interested in your Katzhutte figure. Some questions: - what is large? - do you have a digital photograph of the figure? - is there any signature on the firgure?

I hope to hear from you soon,

best rgds, Rob

-- Rob Broxterman (rbx@lemon8s.net), April 08, 2003.

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