film clip of Freud and Jung? : LUSENET : History & Theory of Psychology : One Thread

I am trying to verify a film that I thought I saw back in the early 1970's that had a discussion between Freud and Jung. It was played at the University of Washington. It was a poor quality, grainy film. First and foremost I am wanting verification that such a film clip existed so I don't think the 70's were a total blur for me. And, second if the film clip does exist any ideas how to find it? Thanks for any input. Nancy

-- Nancy Jones (, November 02, 2002


You should be able to find it with a subject search in the WorldCat through FirstSearch. I've forwarded the question to Jonathan Young at the Center for Story & Symbol, who has done a great deal of work with the Jung archives.

-- Hendrika Vande Kemp (, November 04, 2002.

[Posted for AGB by cdg.]

Call Saul Rosenzweig, professor of psychology at washington university in st louis, he is a freud expert.
Allan Barclay Ph.D
Saint Louis University
22l North Grand Boulevard
Saint Louis, Missouri 63103

-- Allan G. Barclay (barclaya@SLU.EDU), November 04, 2002.

THis answer from Jonathan Young:

There is no film of Freud and Jung together. They had a fierce falling out in 1913, and never spoke again. That was well before sound film. The footage you probably remember is part of a 1957 documentary in which Jung discusses Freud at some length with an interviewer from the BBC. The three half-hour black & white segments are usually shown together now. The series is titled The Story of C.G. Jung. Laurence van der Post, a close friend of Jung's, introduces the episodes.

-- Hendrika Vande Kemp (, November 12, 2002.

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