November 8, 2002 : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Well, what are we doing here? Anybody else here, yet?

Stacey, got any jpegs you want to post?


-- Anonymous, November 08, 2002


I am very crabby right now because Lexis/Nexis has decided that my password is invalid.

Hey, maybe this means I've been fired. I should be on the safe side and just go back to bed.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2002

I will pummel them. Because I like you that much.

Or possibly because I feel like I've got entirely too much pent-up somethingorother today, and pummelling them seems like as good a use of it as anything.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2002

Guess everyone prefers chat, huh? Everyone except me, I mean.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2002

i'm too slow for chat.

hey, if anyone sees spinny out her the love.

it's her birthday.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2002

What I really would prefer is if someone would take away my computer until I complete this goddamned audit that I was supposed to have done by the end of the day and which I've barely started.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2002

Well I'm having a crappy day, and it's all my own fault. I'm handling another person's duties while he's on vacation, & yesterday I forgot to do one particular thing, and that has made today a mess. The goddamn cold from Monday still seems to be hanging on, so I feel rotten anyway.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2002

Beth, I'll be glad to smack L-N for you. They need a good bitchslap every so often...

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2002

Nah, no jpegs. And no chat. I was just holed up all day reading a really good book, about which I will duly report once I've finished it.

But first, I'm going to give my brain a rest and watch some Sopranos DVDs.

-- Anonymous, November 08, 2002

Where are you people? I'm drunk, and longing to be entertaining my drunken state, but there's no one around to entertain. Are you all chatting or something, cocksuckers?

-- Anonymous, November 09, 2002

The driver's side window in my Audi is shattered. It's hunting season. I'm scared. Why must the damn hunters ignore our damn NO HUNTING signs?

-- Anonymous, November 11, 2002

Lisa, you should not have bought a car that so obviously resembles a deer.

-- Anonymous, November 11, 2002

Are people actually hunting on your land Lisa? It seems horribly scary to me.

-- Anonymous, November 11, 2002

They shouldn't be hunting on our land, but we are next to land where hunting is allowed, so our 343 acres still aren't really safe. Damn it. I've never had something so tangible, though, just creepy feelings when all the hunters walk right by my house.

I went out around 6 yesterday morning and about six car load get the hell out of my front yard and park someplace else.

-- Anonymous, November 11, 2002

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