All-in-Wonder 128 (16 MB) - unable to set up tuner capture : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I recently acquired an AIW 128 (16 MB) and downloaded the drivers from the ATI site (wme_r128_4_13_7192.exe). I also downloaded mmc71_noDVD.exe for the Multimedia Center 7.1

Everything works fine but the TV Tuner does not set up properly. The problems are:

a) in country selection, I do not get "India" - only NTSC countries seem to be listed b) in Broadcast Standard, the tab is greyed out and fixed at NTSC - I am unable to get "PAL" selection. Two or three overlapping B/W images seem to roll/skip, and there is no sound c) in the Video-In (Composite), the broadcast standard gives only NTSC, NTSC-J and PAL-M as choices. Pal-B/G is not available. The net result is that the picture is rolling and B/W,or simply absent, while the sound comes

I will be grateful for help. I have already installed DirectX 8.1 (dx81eng.exe).


Diwakar Gupta 11.11.2002

-- Diwakar Gupta (, November 11, 2002


ATI All-in-yadayada cards are designed to work with only one locality: there are separate models for PAL and NTSC. This is one reason I deliberately did not use them even as I started with analogue video-only capture a few years back, as I have Hi8 tapes both PAL and NTSC. The ATI you have is designed to work with exclusively with NTSC video sources and to receive systems M and J with its tuner; no tweak or s/w or whatnot is available to counter this so u have little choice but to get another that is bonafide multi-system (like Matrox, etc.).

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, November 11, 2002.

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