
greenspun.com : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

I think you're a remarkable woman. I read your new thread this morning but didn't have time to reply. I'm sorry to see it's been removed. The posts from some punk (who doesn't even know to add an "n" to his "a" before a word beginning with a vowel) are easily removed. Thank you Kritter! Maybe you could post it again?

-- Gayla (privacy@please.com), November 25, 2002


Yes helen, please repost it. I didn't get a chance to see it as I worked so long today. Ditto what dear Gayla said about your strength, creativity, sticktuitiveness and character! You go girl, and keep on keeping on!

I also second the removals of senseless posts by the spammer! Thanks from me too Krit! (Making any pecan pies for Thanksgiving?)

-- Aunt Bee (Aunt__Bee@hotmail.com), November 25, 2002.

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