It was not me! : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

I came to this discussion board by following a link from Alternativet, and found a forged messgage that was purpotedly from me, with the title "Unfair Kansas Champships" How strange! I certainly did not post this. I am, however, acquainted with Gnierdy Bupka, who is mentioned in this message, although I have not seen him in years. He contacts me periodically, asking if I would be interested in attending orienteering events with him in out-of-the-way places. Gnierdy works at the University of Sverdlovsk (which is actually located in Yekaterinburg, for some reason), which is where this message appears to have come from; perhaps it was sent by someone there who knows Gnierdy, although I don't know why they would want it to appear to be from me.

As for myself, I was not aware of the Kansas Championships prior to this, and unfortunately, even if I had wanted to attend what I am sure will be a fine event, I'm afraid it would not be possible. US immigration has always been opposed to granting me a visa, and since the terrorist attacks on your country, security has become even tighter. It's likely that I will never be able to get a visa in the future, and I dare not enter surreptitiously as I did once before.

Best of luck with your Championships, and with the Possum Trot.

-- Turku Rovaneimi (, December 01, 2002

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