Future Quality Worldgreenspun.com : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
During our social skills instruction, and in the process of using Barnes Boffey's "What Do You Want In Your Life To Make It Better" activity, it was necessary for me to discriminate between our current Quality World pictures and those Quality World items we perceive would meet our needs in the future. Hence, Future Quality World. It has worked well the students are able to understand that our Quality Worlds must always evolve and adjust with new experiences and our maturity.One example I've used is to illustrate my Quality World as a third, fourth, or fifth grader and pose the question, "What would happen if we could not change our Quality World items. Meaning, all those things we currently use to meet our needs had to remain the same all our lives. What would that be like. Would our current pictures work?" If they hit a "Duh?" I might add, "What would you think if you drove by Lincoln Park and saw ole Donato climbing a tree laughing around? Or me bringing my marbles to school and winning all of yours during recess?" This allows them to pretty much see how necessary it is for us to "make it better," by choosing new appropriate and effective ways to have Fun, Power, Freedom, and Love & Belonging.
As we list our Future Quality World want's each year, I am able to investigate my own, as I model how to do it. It is interesting that there are items that reappeared on my lists. Obviously, it indicated to me that I had not obtained this item or performed this particular activity. The students were encouraged to list a full range of want's from Happy Meals (little effectiveness) to giant roller coasters (much effectiveness). One that reappeared on my list was a Papaburger. I had wanted one for more than a year and had not gotten one.
Visualize a double decker hamburger with ham, two patties, cheese, bacon and all kinds of goop, oozing with grease. Yeah, yum! Anyway, after I realized that I wanted it, but hadn't gotten it, I posed the following question to my students,"I have wanted this Papaburger for over a year and did not get it. I have money and some free time during lunch. I could go get one today, but I probably won't. I want one, too. Why won't I get one?" After some thought, one student offered, "because you don't want it that badly." If a Future Quality World item has little effectiveness and is easy to obtain, we probably won't invest the effort to achieve it. It's probably all for the better in this particular situation!
It was necessary to develop rating systems to indicate how bady we wanted our FQW items and how difficult they are to attain. Our students are currently rating their FQW items. They rate each item regarding FUN, POWER, FREEDOM, AND LOVE & BELONGING, using a 0-10 system. After rating they add to achieve a Total, the higher the Total, the more they want this particular item. Oh, the Papa burger?
Papaburger--Fun/1, Power/1, Freedom/0, Love & Belonging/1 Total/3
In addition, they are to rate each item, regarding its attainment difficulty. This has been determined as time requirement, money, and effort. We have been using E-easy to obtain, EM-of easy/medium difficulty to obtain, M-medium difficulty of obtain, MH-medium/hard difficulty to obtain and, lastly, H-hard to obtain. Incidentally, the Papaburger was an E.
I am currently meeting with our paraprofessional staff to train them in CT/RT. I am allowing them the same instruction our students are receiving. This experience has allowed me to fine tune my next presentation. Thanks TD Papaburger on me.
-- Ted Donato (tdonato@toppenish.wednet.edu), December 05, 2002
MY NAME IS JULIAN PORTER . I AM HAPPILY AMAZED AT THE AMOUNT OF WORK WE ARE DOING TO GET THIS THEORY IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN .THE EARLYER THE BETTER . I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE A LETTER I WTOTE ABOUT USING THE CHOICE THEORY IN CARD FORM OBSERVE THAT I WILL NOW ADD ANIOTHER TWO CARDS HAVING TO DO WITH DIFFERENT TIME FRAMES DUE TO YOUR OBSERVATIONS AS I CAN SEE THE RELEVANCE IMMEDIATELY HERE AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS ....PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ---- ANYONE ?............ ---And so i first try all my patients on a strict mental health vitamin regimen.Then i get my little component cards-and explain what we are to do with them. they are" REALITY THERAPY components WRITTEN ON CARDS[ FOR EASE OF REARRAINGING] so far- the cards are as follows.HUMAN MOTIVATIONS THEY ARE [5] =s=survival,p=power,f=fun,fr=freedom,l=love,andbelonging..-----5 cards---------- ;/////--then the components of total behavior[4]//PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ACTION or body=B,THIS CARD HAS A BIG "B"B FOR BODY;T=TOUGHTS E=EMOTIONS ;AND -A- FOR THE PHYSICAL ACTION= WHICH MAY BE BITTING FINGER-NAILS ABSENTLY OR ANY THOT OR FEELING THEY...THESE BEHAVIOR CARDS=4-CARDS ;ARE USED ALLWAYS AS A WHOLE, AS NO ACTION CAN CONTAIN LESS THAN ALL FOUR ELEMENTS/// .....so i turned the components OR ELEMENTS into symbols that were easy to work with/ and WE play with them to see what we can uncover ......./.the patients[+91%] of all my DEPRESSION patients---have a good time with them. showing an ability to identify with the card represented concepts;as well as a desire for an intimate understanding of sickness and mental problems-- -AS WELL AS THE DESIRE TO PARTICIPATE in learning how their mindworks ...it seems that some just need to be understood ,they need to say that which they have never dared to say-or even think.... ONCE TAUGHT HOW TO USE THESE components they love it-- it becomes suddenly a game and a treasure hunt ----i do not try to change this attitude for them -letter- #2 JULIAN PORTER!sorryNOT A DOCTER! zinaroo@hotmail.com >Subject: Request >Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 03:36:54 -0800 (PST) >
-- ian porter (zinaroo@yahoo.com), December 21, 2002.
-because there is always a problem--A problem that causes the depression. --And so i first 1] try all my patients on a strict mental health vitamin regimen.6THEN 2]Then i get my little component cards-and explain what we are to do with them. they are " REALITY THERAPY components WRITTEN ON CARDS[ FOR EASE OF REARRAINGING] so far- the cards are as follows.HUMAN MOTIVATIONS THEY ARE FIVE s=survival,p=power,f=fun,fr=freedom,l=love,andbelonging..-----5 cards- -----------then the components OF TOTAL BEHAVIOR +++++ 4 CARDS [4]//THE BODY OR---- THE PHYSIOLOGY OF THE ACTION or body=B,THIS CARD HAS A BIG "B"B FOR BODY;T=TOUGHTS E=EMOTIONS ;AND -A- FOR THE PHYSICAL ACTION= WHICH MAY BE BITTING FINGER-NAILS ABSENTLY OR ANY THOT OR FEELING,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THEY...THESE BEHAVIOR CARDS=4- CARDS ;ARE USED ALLWAYS AS A WHOLE, AS NO ACTION CAN CONTAIN LESS THAN ALL FOUR ELEMENTS/// .....so i turned the components OR ELEMENTS into symbols that were easy to work with/ and WE play with them to see what we can uncover components OR ELEMENTS into symbols that were easy to work with and WE SIT AND WRITE 3 LAST CARDS = THE QUALITY WORLD CARD , ONE THAT SAYS- REAL WORLD AND LASTLY ONE "BALANCING PLACE" [AND I BELIEVE THERE WILL BE A COUPLE MORE CARDS IF SOMEONE CAN HELP ME] USINGTHESE CARDS ARE SELF EXPLANITORY NOW AN ANOREXIC PERSON COULD BE SAID TO BE HIDING ALL THEIR CARDS ON THE TABLE UNDER THE POWER CARD!!OR POWER OVER SURVIVAL [ P/S] !!!! !! BECAUSE----I DONT KNOW!!!!! ----- THE ISSUE OF DRUG ABUSE IS THOUGHT TO BE THE PROBLEM OF PUTTING THE" FUN CARD" ABOVE"THE SURVIVAL CARD"=OR == F/S . A PERSON WHO IS A BULIMIC-[NERVOSA ]-- THE ISSUE OF POWER COMES TO PLAY as in POWER OVER INTAKE -OUTPUT= BEING( POWER OVER FUN, BODY ,SURVIVAL FREEDOM) OR
(/F,S,FREEDOM .,FUN ] THIS MAY BE TWISTED TO SEEM THAT THE PILE OF CARDS ----========= LIFE]==== IS COMPLETELY ECLIPSED BY THE CONTOL=(POWER) OVER++++++ FUN FREEDOM, LOVE,ECT SO [ P/F,S,FUN,LOVE POWER OVER ALL DESIRES AND DRIVES ARE BEING SUBJECTED TO CONTROL BY ONE OR MORE OF THE ELEMENTS PEOIPLE CATCH ON TO THIS QUICKLY IN CARD FORM !!!!!!] [ THIS IS PURE REALITY THERAPY I BELIEVE ,.SEE?..] 2))))). In my view, usually- if there are no other possibilitys; then it can beFIRST first surmized that students, no longer are at home getting the small amount of vitamins from their parentS, made for them in those home meals,and not many parents fix great nutritious foodin america-it is all convenience and quickness so here is where i start them. -..../.the patients[+91%] of all my DEPRESSION patients---have a good time with them. showing an ability to identify with the card represented concepts;as well as a desire for an intimate understanding of sickness and mental problems---AS WELL AS THE DESIRE TO PARTICIPATE in learning how their mindworks ...it seems that some just need to be understood ,they need to say that which they have never dared to say-or even think.... ONCE TAUGHT HOW TO USE THESE components they love it-- it becomes suddenly a game and a treasure hunt ----i do not try to change this attitude for them -letter- #2 JULIAN PORTER!sorryNOT A DOCTER! zinaroo@hotmail.com
-- ian porter (zinaroo@yahoo.com), December 21, 2002.
I am interested in the card idea, I have seen how powerful visual and kinesthetic activities can be. I don't think I fully understand the process. Do you take out the activity card and say :What would you be doing at this time? Do they pick a card E.G. 'Thinking' and say something like "If I was doing that activity I would be thinking the following thoughts?" Do they write the cards listing their thoughts feelings etc. at a particular time? Do cards come out and random and do they then comment on the card that shows up? I amsorry to be pressing for more details but I would like to know how the process works, Regards,Ken.
-- ken lyons (kenlyon@gofree.indigio.ie), December 23, 2002.