Help me find Black Jack Episodes Please! : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I'm looking for free downloads for the anime Black Jack. If anyone knows of a site where there it is available completely, please tell me!

Also, I have Direct Connect, but I don't know how to use it!

-- Anonymous, December 08, 2002


I think Northstar anime hosted them before, however I haven't been to that site in a very long time. Btw, the Blackjack I'm talking about was a movie. Don't know if there were eps.

-- Anonymous, December 08, 2002

Thanx. I know there's a movie version, but I was hoping to find the episodes--which, I think, do exist. However, could you give me the address for Northstar?

-- Anonymous, December 08, 2002

There are episodes. They're 50 mins long. Unfortunatly i don't have on my computer. I bought them. i think the are about ten ....

-- Anonymous, January 25, 2003

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