Battered Men assistance : LUSENET : domestic violence : One Thread

Hi, Any resources for shelter and support groups for abused men in Ohio and Pennsylvania?

-- Anonymous, December 16, 2002


I sit here each night at work and at the same time every night the same violence prevention ad comes on the radio. It is for anger management classes that are "available only for males that are abusive in the domestic setting". Says nothing for women, or abusive people. Just men.

After hearing the ad about a dozen times it finally bothered me enough that I called Bob Holmes of the violence prevention center to discuss the "male only" aspect of his radio ad. He immediately told me that DV is a 95% male issue, which is why they don't do female classes. As I tried to educate him on Federal stats, he became angry, and said that "men are bullies and push women around, that women don't do that. Do your statistics show the physical size of the perpetrator? Men are bigger than women." and hung up on me. . .

I urge you to contact Bob and let him know your thoughts.

For more information contact: Monterey County Violence Prevention Bob Holmes Tel. (831)647-0872 Fax. (831)372-2280

-- Anonymous, December 31, 2002

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