Why avoid QD models?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Photography Singapore : One Thread


In some websites, some people have advised

(1) Avoid QD models. (2) Avoid kits. while buying an SLR camera.

I can understand (2) since they may pack not-so-good lens.

What is the reason for (1)? Are QD models inferior(after paying 50$ extra usually)?

-- lim sam (limlim2001@mailcity.com), December 22, 2002


Mainly becos with QD, you can accidentally inprint the date onto your photos. It will ruin your effort.

-- vv (v32000@hotmail.com), December 25, 2002.

Thanks a lot.

-- lim sam (limlim2001@mailcity.com), December 25, 2002.

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