Nero Doesn't work? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i need major help! i have nero and i started burning it. but it's not doing anything. the window popped up and then it just stopped. i dunno if it's burning or w/e the heck it's doing! help! can someone walk me through the whole process? thanx a bunch

-- Lily Fu (, December 27, 2002


I'm an amateur, but this works for me. Open up Nero in the normal way. On the left hand side you have various forms of CD copy icons (as you should know, but in case you don't I'm telling you). Go to the one that says, "CD-Copy" click on that one and then there should be a list called "multisessions" which appears. All 3 boxes should be marked with little green circles). Then press "New" (to start process of burning CD.

-- Me (, December 29, 2002.

When its not seemingly "doing anything" it is most likely encoding your movie to mpeg-2 format so it can burn it.... movies must be mpeg-2 before they can be burnt as a video cd (VCD)

it the movie you are trying to burn is a AVI file then this is most definately what it is doing... most movies take an hour and a half or so to convert.. then it will ask for the disc to burn it.

my problem is that when i burn them (after conversion) the picture is upside down for some reason... has anyone had that problem? movie plays fine on my PC but when it is a VCD this happens... do i need a special codec for nero?


-- benny bee (, January 01, 2003.

Yes, I've the same problem with Nero.. On my pc AVI plays fine, after converting and burning to VCD using Nero everything is upside down.... anybody ????

-- Michiel (, January 03, 2003.

About the upside down problem, when burning vcds with nero: i did a bit of testing and found out that the combination of the xvid-codec and nero cause the problem. what you have to do is recompress your avi-file using virtualdub. In virtualdub recompress your avi-file with the divx codec and everything will be fine. Check out on how to use virtualdub.

-- Shinyman (, January 31, 2003.

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