Van Wilder dvd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i just dled VAN WILDER on kazaa and so i played it in my DIVX player and when it started the picture was clean and perfect cause its from the dvd but for some reason the sound keeps goin faster so it sound messed up. does anyone know y its like this and kan u help me fix it or do i need to dl another. did anyone else have this prob with this movie or anyother move. and the tmd play doesnt show itfor some reason jus the sound and the file is a .avi if it helps.


-- Kevin Chinkan (, December 31, 2002


Here's a crazy buy the movie like your susposed to. Wow, I'm tired after that one...that took alot of thinking.

-- I'm a Crazy Thinker (, September 08, 2003.

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