Families and prison

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

The Dallas Morning News printed an article about a local juvenile court judge who is retiring. He stated that 10 percent of those in jail are sociopaths or pedophiles, and the other 90 percent are those who's families let them down.

Where you have strong families there is little crime or jail, where there are weak families, there is much crime and jail.

What are your thoughts on his comments? Are there implications for our churches? Is this a picture of your community?

The article told of an incident where the judge was in an eating establishment where a child was misbehaving. Seeing his parents not doing anything about it, he walked up, introduced himself as a juvenile court judge, and told them that if they didn't gain control of their child he'd see him in his court in a few years. Bravo!

-- Anonymous, January 13, 2003

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