Copy SVCDs Onto DVD-R : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I often get VCDs and SVCDs from others. One film usually requires 2 to 3 discs. How can I combine 3 VCDs sequentially onto one DVD-R? I have the most recent iMac w/DVD burner. I don't mind keeping the VCD format, I figured the DVD-R has enough space to hold all. I also have Toast 5...

Thanks Jim

-- Jim Dorau (, January 18, 2003


If you want to play them on a standalone DVD player you have to extract the MPEGs in those S/VCDs and re-encode them to DVD-compliant MPEG-2 files, with which you can author DVD-Video volumes on DVD-R. If you just want to play them on your Mac you probably just have to transfer the MPEGs to a DVD-R and create a DVD-ROM.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, January 19, 2003.

VCD format is valid for DVD, except you have to re-encode the audio to 48 KHz from 44 KHz. has some guides on converting VCD to DVD. It might be a little tough for you though as you have a Mac and almost everything is written for PC users, but maybe you can figure out what to do from the guides to make it work on a Mac.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), January 20, 2003.

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