Where to go for repair and cleaning services for camera and lenses

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Photography Singapore : One Thread

Hi, May I know where to go for lens and camera repairs, including cleaning services in Singapore? Thank you.

-- Colin Yeo (yeocw@singnet.com.sg), February 03, 2003


I am also wondering this. Anyway, when I took my broken tamron 24-135 lens to cathy photo where I bought it. The staff told me to go to the next door to repair it because the angency would not guarantee this kind of broken. The name of that shop is prime camera center. located in peninsula plaza. My first time to repair a len. So Just trying my luck. :D

-- feifa (flyinghair@hotmail.com), February 10, 2003.

Does anyone know where on earth I can have my old Rolleiflex SL35E repaired? I am off to Singapore in a few days and would like to try my luck there since the camera is Singaporean built. Here in Hong Kong I was told that no one in the territory can accomplish such task.

-- King-Tai CHOW (kingtai@onebb.net), December 21, 2003.

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