Millenium Speech : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Dear Sir/Madam,

I want to know about the John Paul II's Millenium speech.

He is the greatest pope that i know.

I read in year 2000 about his speech in the news papers. He made apologies to many parties, like Jews in the 2 nd world war, etc. He is really great. He also memtioned, reinforeced, that the salvations of Christian churches are valid. I made a clip, but i lost.

I would be grateful, if you can help me to find the speeches John Paul 2, the Pope, made in year 2000, especially for the above topics.

Thanks a lot, and look forward to hear form you soon.


-- Kong Mak (, February 19, 2003


Please check this link at the Vatican's official website - lots of the Pope's speeches and writings are here, perhaps the ones you are looking for.

God bless! :-)

-- Christine L. :-) (, February 19, 2003.

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