File share minimums for DC : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I have just begun to use direct connect (DC), and throught these anime threads i have found a variety of good hubs to use, and many of them have share minimums. I have at least 5BG of anime that I can use for that, but where do I put these files so that they will be acknowledged by the hub. I put them in the Filelists folder, but it didnt do anything. I've also already set up a nickname too. Why won't it read my files that i've added? Are they in the wrong place? is there something i do after i put them in there?

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2003


Im not sure what your talking about in the "file lists" folder but in settings you have to go to file transfers and there under shared folders go to add and then a window pops up and you select that folder. As a warning, when you do this only select the folder you want to share and not the whole hard disk or whatever, also do not fake share, duplicate, or put programs(ziped programs or somehow packaged is ok to some)into the shared list, cause, the hubs are monitered and the op's will kick u if you do anything "bad".

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2003

i figured out what the problem was, i was able to add the files, then i talked to ppl and figured out i had to be in passive mode to download, thanks anyways

-- Anonymous, February 19, 2003

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