SX 70 sound : LUSENET : polaroid transfers : One Thread

well i just got a SX 70 camera i put in a new pack of film but somehow it wont spit out the film cover. but i hear something going on like maybe a motor of the camera running but it stops when i open the film loader or close the camera itself...

any ideas on whats wrong with it

-- richard oraa (, February 23, 2003


I have the same problem, but with a OneStep AF camera for 600 film. This is the second one of these cameras that has just stopped working, randomly -- I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, just halfway through a pack it stopped working. Switching out film packs doesn't do anything. I reload it like normal but the dark silde doesn't spit out and the ready light doesn't turn on; depressing the button doesn't do anything. Sometimes after inserting a new pack to try again it also makes a rapidfire clickclickclickclickclick sound, and it sounds like it's coming from near the middle/top of the camera body. Have no idea what this could be.. does this sound familiar to anyone?

-- m yu (, June 23, 2003.

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